Breathe in some fresh feminine gin perspective
Few people know that the concept of GDC came about in one of Adam and my favourite restaurants, Charter Oak in the Napa Valley, when we were each enjoying a fantastic gin martini during a momentous date night. Shortly after our drinks were finished, I smiled sweetly at him as he ravenously reached for his cheeseburger before mine had arrived and gently suggested he pause for a moment so we could both start our dinner simultaneously.
“The ceremony of a pre-dinner martini should be a date mandatory,” he enthusiastically offered, diverting attention from his own lapse in date etiquette. “It’s a drink you and I can confirm always works as a relaxant, bonding mechanism and creativity stimulator … all ideal date attributes.”
No need to ask, he’s a smooth operator.
“Well, what if we made our own gin in Greytown?” I enquired. “It could be the first step in bringing that idea to life. Our gin would be wrapped around the idea of Greytown origin and village romance. Does that work?”
And at that moment, as new ideas tend to spark inside his creative consciousness, Mr Blackwell sunk his teeth into it and locked on like a rottweiler to an intruder about to make off with his cheeseburger.
Fast forward to today and I am delighted to have lead the all-women tasting panel responsible for briefing and testing this beautiful new range of Greytown Distilling Company gins. Jane, Michelle, Trish, Mary and I came up with the concepts for these gins, based on the joys of living in this wonderful part of the Wairarapa; the local apple and pear orchard harvest, our own back yard vegetable bounty and a loving tribute to the bees that connect our food lifecycle together.
Sit down and relax, GDC boys. we’ve got this.